Tuesday, 17 July 2007

In business, ignorance is not bliss

I can't over-emphasize the importance of aligning your business strategy and re-focussing to incorporate a seamless integration with emerging markets. I have been reading and watching with interest the different discussions on the pros and cons of investing or doing business with the BRICS countries and other emerging markets but I was so excited when I read this report from BT Global Services - global service provider that has refocussed itself to play in the global market. They commissioned a research to find out what the CEOs of large organizations know about BRICS and other emerging markets, you'll be shocked at the results!

Read the full report at http://www.btglobalservices.com/business/global/en/business/collaboration/BRICS.html

If you think the cost of acquiring knowledge to understand and navigate these markets successfully is too high, if you consider the cost of the risks and you say its not worth it, then calculate what the cost of ignorance and in-action will be in the next 20 years…that’s if you're still in business!


invalco said...

Your blog is very informative. Might I suggest you have a look at ours. We would love to hear more from you,

Kay said...

Hi Invalco,

Thanks for the compliments. I have looked at your website and I would sure keep in contact with you as I'm sure we'll be able to do stuffs together.

olakunle said...

"What these nations all have in common, as first articulated in 2003 by economist Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs, is the demonstrated will to embrace global capitalism, coupled with formidable natural resources and massive, growing populations."

I just get excited everyday that emphasis is not always been placed on Nigeria, when things like this are being discussed. Yet Nigeria has the three attributes plus the natural desire to outshine others, an attribute that explains mordern capitalism to a layman.

Well done kay, this is a good way to start. Just be more consistent.

Kay said...

thanks olakunle for your comments. i agree wt ur thots jare. anyways like you said i'll try and be more consistent!